Monday, September 13, 2010


Third week of school!
Last week MacKenzie, Becca, Sherece and I went to a Red Jumpsuit Apparatus concert. We made red glitter t-shirts and it got everywhere. A day later the entire floor got a flyer with 10 commandments and #5 is: Thou shalt not use GLITTER! The concert was crazy! Guys were pushing girls, people were crowd surfing and falling on top of everyone, our group was being stalked by a creepo, Sherece got the opening bands lead singers number, we couldn't breathe and we loved it.
Sorry I'm jumping around. One day Becca was saying stuff she liked about us. Skadi is pretty, Catherine is smart, Sherece is tall, she's....Kira! I laughed my head off.
Classes are hectic. My favorite is sign language and I am glad I found something I love to do so fast! I am in the swing of things and enjoy school.
We went to a football game, an amazing fireside with Elder Scott (broadcast),  had a speed-pizza eating contest and have enjoyed the sunshine-one-second-then-rain-the-next weather.
Love Kira

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